Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wasted Potential

There is no bigger loss than wasted potential. When a person doesn't live up to their full capabilities they are squandering their gifts. What about humanities wasted potential? Mankind has the ability to do anything, go anywhere, the universe is not the limit. However we insist on limiting ourselves, God didn't say the sky is the limit, we did. Our language is full of these self-limiting catch phrases. How many times have you heard think outside the box? What box? who decided that we think inside a box? who decided there was a box? There is no box, except the one we put ourselves in and to be forced to think outside of this box is inherently limiting. We as a race, the human race, must break the shackles of these self-imposed limitations. Do not accept the status quo, if someone says to you, you can be president one day, ask yourself? why settle? A person who has the ability and potential to do something, is obligated to live up to that something, anything else is shameful. That is the biggest problem with humanity and society today, not only does wasted potential abound it is encouraged! Why else would there be so many problems in society today? Problems in society are inevitable this is true. However if the vast majority of the society was doing something, if the individuals that compose society used their unique skills to help the whole, then we would not have this feeling of hopelessness that besets us today. We would not look at the mounting economic crises and not even know what questions to ask. We see reports of radical extremist terrorist groups hurting innocent civilians, and what do people do? they excuse these atrocities! We need to stand up. I for one have had enough, the change starts with the individual. I leave you with two phrases I saw written in the stall in a bathroom at school, and I take these phrases as portents of the future, showing us two sides of the same coin. On one wall was written "Ignorance will destroy us" and just below it "Be the chosen one" Take these phrases to heart and don't accept the status quo.

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