Sunday, March 15, 2009

taking a stance

Have you ever been in a show of hands voting type forum? the choices are yes, no, abstain. well this post is to you people who abstain, don't be a child, don't be weak willed take a stance. That is the problem with the world today, people don't take a stance. Sometimes people think there is such a thing as neutrality, this is just a way for those people who abstani to assuage their guilt. Germans who stood by while Jews, cripples, Gypsies and many others were killed supported the Nazis and should be considered Nazis themsevles. It says in the opening scene of the popular movie The Boondock saints, we must all fear evil men but more than that we must fear the inaction of good men in the face of evil. Not fighting an atrocitiy is supporting it. This extreme example is easily applicable for less serious matters, but the message is still the same pick a side. In situations such as these its not a matter of a grey area, we aren't talking about moral quandries, murder is wrong a person, a person who murders is evil, a person who stands idly by while murder occurs is evil. Neutrality is a good idea, rarely it might even be possible in the real world but don't fool yourself not taking a stance, Is taking a stance.

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