Thursday, December 10, 2015

The great Toilet Seat Debate

         The very first flushing toilet was invented in 1596 by John Harrington. With this world changing, life shattering invention came one of the greatest debates, and matters of contention between the sexes in the modern age. Should the Toilet seat be left up or put down? Such a seemingly simple question has riven families, divided nations, and caused many a dinner table argument.
     The sexes have approached this issue from the entirely wrong perspective. Women need the seat down, so they demand that the seat in the down position should be its natural state of rest, while men feel why should I go through that extra effort. Obviously women look at men and see this point of view as either lazy or selfish, which it is. Of course, so is the women's perspective, it is just as much effort for a women to raise or lower a seat as it is for a man, so whats the deal? is this a case of women saying they should be treated differently (i.e better) because they are women? (if that is the consensus, I could probably get behind that) but I imagine even if its true, it will never be publicly stated. Thus we are at an impasse, what is to be done?
          Which ever side makes the move will forever after be held up as "the bigger person" they compromised just to make society a better place, assuming of course you can get one side to agree (impossible). So we are stuck at an impasse, will this contention among the sexes last through the modern age until a potential post-modern age?
          To me the solution to this whole issue is simple, practical, easy to solve and more importantly the most sanitary. The seat in the up or down position should not be up for debate, since NEITHER of these positions are correct. The LID must be closed, forget the seat, close the LID. Besides everyone, man and women being in the same position of raising and lowering, there is no gender divide. But FAR more importantly, it is the only sanitary way to flush a toilet.
            Do you know what happens when you flush a toilet and the lid isn't closed? Shit particles (yes actual shit) gets tossed around the ENTIRE bathroom, you, the tissues you use, any hairbrushes or toothbrushes that may be left out, THEY ARE ALL getting contaminated by something DISGUSTING. Close the LID. END THE DEBATE. Create a better world for the future, a world where our children can grow up not having to struggle over the age old up/or down conundrum.