Monday, March 16, 2009

The two party system needs to end

In America we have a two part system, any school kid can tell you this. But what's the point, besides of course that, that is just the way things have always been done. Today people think the words Democrat and Republican are just political parties, they don't even bother considering the ideals of the words Republic and Democracy. The two parties of today, as any student of history can tell you , are almost ideologically the opposite of what they were after the civil war through the gilded age and past. All that besides, politicians are terrible human beings by the mere fact that their livelihoods depend on impressing vasts amount of people, and people can't agree on anything, so to be a politician one must compromise. Since there are only two parties by necessity the parties are basically just two huge sides of moderate political ideals. Look at the patterns of American presidents, with an exception here or there one party is in control for a few elections than people grow dissatisfied, because people as a whole are inherently dissatisfied--but that's another issue--, and then they vote for a person of the different party, Now usually this switch happens when the opposite party not currently in power has a more charismatic leader. The problem is with only two political parties each party is forced to compromise and become similar, we need more parties. We need more parties that can represent smaller and more accurate portions of the population. An excellent example of this problem of moderation is if one examine religious voting statistics for the past several years, now I don't waste my time supporting my facts on a blog because all facts are biased and unfair so go look up your own, you'll probably find that most religious denominations vote relatively 40-60% for each part sometimes its dead on 50-50%. One notable exception are Jews who vote 85-90% in favor of democrats, with the exception of the issue of Israel in which the reverse is true where 85-90% agree with the Republican party who likes Jews and Israel far more than Democrats, Im sure I pissed off a bunch of people so comment and we can argue or discuss. However this points to the fact that, the facts are useless if around 50% vote for 1 of 2 parties what does that tell you? not much. We need more political parties just like almost any other representative democracy in the world. So for now I remain a firm supporter of our nations greatest president and only major third party Politician, Teddy Roosevelt and his Bull Moose party.

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